How On Earth
What if purpose-driven businesses increasingly outperform those driven by profit? Where might that lead us?
Welcome to the emerging Full Circle Economy.
Imagine there was a simple way our economy could serve all people and the planet. Imagine we could evolve beyond capitalism to a system that inherently promotes individual health, community wealth and planetary well-being, while maintaining the best aspects of our existing market economy.
Not only is such an evolution possible, it’s already on its way.
How on Earth is a forthcoming book that documents the rapid rise of not-for-profit forms of business in our economy and the foreseeable end to the profit motive in our lifetimes. The scholarly work reveals an emerging future of purpose-driven companies that naturally promote financial circulation, social well-being, and environmental regeneration. Indeed, some of the world’s most profitable companies operate as not-for-profits, deliver important social outcomes and are outperforming their for-profit competitors. A realistic market-based alternative to capitalism exists, and is already taking hold across multiple sectors.
An Overdue Statement of Sole Accountability Regarding Failed Delivery of the ‘How on Earth’ book project
Our Approach
We came to these ideas, outlined in our forthcoming book How on Earth, through years of researching, analyzing and testing the Not-for-Profit World model.
We collected data about trends in both the not-for-profit and for-profit sectors. We drew on the latest insights from cognitive science, evolutionary biology, systems thinking, social psychology and behavioral economics. We databased hundreds of existing not-for-profit businesses in order to map the scope of the emerging Not-for-Profit World, and to have a suite of case studies to learn from.
Our analysis allowed us to see how the shifts that are already underway are catalyzing other changes – from worldviews and values to collective action and individual behavior. This is opening up space for new ways of organizing the economy to emerge. In this light, the Not-for-Profit World model beautifully coalesces with other growing social trends like collaborative consumption, peer-to-peer production, and crowdfunding.
To test our conclusions, we went through a multi-stage feedback process. We presented our ideas at conferences, public talks, in the media, via social media, at workshops, and had in-depth conversations with experts in a wide range of fields, including business, economics, finance and sociology. Finally, we started a not-for-profit business incubator in the U.S., giving us more hands-on experience and grounding our ideas.
It has been an incredible journey, and now we invite you to join us for the most important phase!
A working draft of the book can now be downloaded at: A publication date for the final version has not been set.
Here’s to a world that works for us all!

1. When Nobody Owns The Companies
A circulatory business model is driving our greatest opportunities
2. Inherent Crises of the For-Profit World
An extractive system is driving our greatest challenges
3. The New Story
We are ready for a not-for-profit future
4. Workings of a Not-for-Profit Economy
A market economy can be innovative, viable, and not-for-profit
5. The Evolution of Business
The arc of the economic universe bends towards not-for-profit business
6. The Great Transition
In the death of the old economy we find life for the new
7. Our Shared Story
We can create a Not-for-Profit World together
For media inquiries and to be added to the list for review copies, please contact us here.
The strength of this book project is rooted in the power of people.
Research, and assistance with the book has been provided by: Sarah Reibstein, Tegan Tallulah, Simon Spire, Sharon Ede, Chiara Aliotta, Gudrun Freese, Chris Hehn, Kristen Murphy, Theoharis Tziovaras and Dorothy Filiotis.
The $20,845 we received through our Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign has made the development of How on Earth possible.
Special thanks to our major backers: the Just Pax Foundation; Flora Family Foundation; Whole Systems Foundation; Dick Smith; Malcolm Lovell; and Matthew Byrne.
And to all our other contributors, a huge thanks!
Aaron K. Anderson; Adam Jorlen; Adrian Pyle; Alan Barrett; Alanya Brown; Alexander Jones; Alison Macintyre; Alistair Coulstock; Amelia Bryne; Ãmile van Dantzig; Amy Lastraglio; Anca Grigoras; Andrea Bonetti; Andreas Hengst; Andres Tomaselli; Andrew Baker; Andrew Curry; Andrew Gaydon; Andrew Humby; Andrew Longmire; Andrew McMillan; Andrew Purdam; Andrew Tennant; Andy Brelsford; Andy Isbister; Ann Algie; Anna Betz; Anna Schlunke; Anne Gillme; Anne Sofie Fischer; Antoine Moore; Armando Tomaselli; Asen Nenov; Ashwin Thomas; Bansith Grace; Barbara Eynon; Barry Davis; Barry Hopewell; Bart van der Vliet; Beatriz Carrillo Garcia; Ben Lambert; Benny Callaghan; Beth Mylius; Betsy Densmore; Bill Kauth; Bob Phelps; Bob Willard; Bonnie Walker; Brenton Caffin; Brodie Klemm; Carl Honore; Carl Lemura; Carlos Hernan Castaneda; Carol B Holst; Cath Miller; Chantelle Coutinho; Charles Maclurcan; Charlie Peverett; Chet Gardiner; Chiara Aliotta; Chris Agnos; Chris Knott; Chris Vondenhoff; Chris Watkins; Christoph Hewett; Christopher Fisher; Christy Filipich; Chrys Horn; Chuntug Taguba; Claire Jones; Clare Finlator; Coco Lisa Kanters; Colin Pape; Colin Reynolds; Craig Bryden; D Stone; Daav Wheeler; Damien Giurco; Damo Antonio; Dan Gooden; Dan Smith; Dane Murray; Daniel Mirabella; Daniel O’Neill; Daniel Stewart; D’Arcy Lunn; Darren Sharp; Dave Hampton; David Scollon; Deborah Prescott; Deborah Riddell; Denise Gibbon; Denise Gibbons; Denise McGregor; Dianne Hiles; Digby Hall; Dimka Kozlov; Dinali Dev; Dominik Wind; Donna Birdwell; Edward Croger; Eloise Touni; Elsa Wetherbee; Emanuel Campiglio; Emma Blomkamp; Emma Swann; Enric Senabre; Erfan Daliri; Erik Olesund; Ethan Gans-Morse; Eugenia Tishkina; Eva Mackinley; Ewan Briggs; Felix MacNeill; Fernanda Olmedo Cevallos; Finn Jackson; Francesco Turco; Frank Stilwell; Gabby Garcia-Pardo; Gar Alperovitz; Gautham Kasinath; Gavin Heaton; Gavin Kebblewhite; George Trembath; Gerd Leonhard; Gil Agnew; Glenda Caselli; Gordon Renouf; Grant Young; Hamish Low; Heather Smith; Helen Ketelbey; Henrik G Dahle; Hisasi Kitagawa; Hrvoje Butkovic; Hugo O’Connor; Ian Bost; Ian Bourne; Ian Doyle; Ian Felton Roderick; Ian Penrose; Indu Balachandran; Inge Wallage; Ivo Valkenburg; Jack Welsh; Jake Gibbons; James Maclurcan; James Samuel; Jami Heinricher; Jamie Andrews; Jamie Osborne; Jan Hively; Jane da Mosto; Janelle Robbins; Janet Newbury; Janine Cahill; Jay Paytte; Jean Desrosiers; Jean Russell; Jenny Calder; Jenny Epstein; Jeremy Leitch; Jeremy Williams; Jess Wundke; Jillian Blackall; Joe Guinan; John Elford; John Gormley; John Hill; Jon Yeo; Jonas Allesson; Jonas Roberts; Jonathan Gadir; Jorn Bettin; Josef Davies-Coates; Joseph Elliott; Josh Nelson; Joshua Threinen; Julian Crawford; Julian Waters-Lynch; Julien Lamarche; Julius Beltrame; Justin Ritchie; Kai Heuben; Karen Farias Proschle; Kate Maclurcan; Kath Letch; Katharine Stavrinou; Katherine Rice; Ken Moon; Keri Chiveralls; Kerrie Noonan; Kerry Grace; Kevin Murray; Kirsty Kelly; Kristen Lyons; L. X. Wilkinson; Lachlan Jeffries; Lance Cablk; Lara Damiani; Larisa Hill; Laurent Peutin; Lauri Feinsod; Layne Hartsell; Lesley Treleaven; Liam Davidson; Lieve Vereycken; Linda Hinton; Linda Leary; Lindi A.; Lisa Zheng; Liz Locksley; Louise Sales; Lucy Brown; Lyn Lauffer; Lynne Wintergerst; Maria De la Fuente Diez; Marianne Doczi; Marjorie Kelly; Mark Anders; Mark Anielski; Mark Juedeman; Mark Parnell; Mark Russell; Marshall Dunn; Martijn Van Lith; Mary Fahnestock-Thomas; Matt Phillips; Matt Sorenson; Matthew Drake; Max Tomaselli; Megan Drimal; Mel Woodhouse; Melanie St. James; Melinda Mollineaux; Melissa Neighbour; Michael Bull; Michael Croft; Michael Hanauer; Michael Harries; Michael MacKian; Micheline Mason; Michelle O’Brien; Michelle Prak; Michelle Warren; Mickey Kovari; Mike Freedman; Mike Grenville; Mike Wilson; Miles Hunt; Millie Rooney; Monica Richter; Nancy Peters; Narelle Louise; Natasha Barker; Nathan Surendran; Nathanael Boehm; Nathaniel Smith; Nick Heap; Nick Rose; Nick Towle; Nicole Brammy; Noni McDevitt; Norman Miller; Norton Grey; Olivier Asselin; Omer Abashar; Onur Ekinci; Oscar Metcalfe; Pamela Grow; Pamela Lloyd; Pat Sunter; Patricia Barnes; Patricia De Tomaselli; Patricia Gemmell; Patricia Sims; Paul Downton; Paul Hodge; Paul Kettlewell; Paula Broom; Paula Hanasz; Paula Rohrbaugh; Pauline Fowlie; Peter Clements; Peter Cziel; Peter Gringinger; Peter Jones; Peter Victor; Pharan Akhtarkhavari; Phil Harrington; Philip Bangalter; Philippe Methot; Phillip Rhoades; Phoebe Maroulis; Pim Martens; Rachelle Sandow; Raf Manji; Raimondi Swartele; Ralf Lippold; Reem Hajjar; Richard Curtin; Richard Martin; Richard Oosterom; Richard Smith; Rob Branch-Dasch; Rob Hellenius; Rob Kozak; Robert Proctor; Robert Worrall; Roberto de Manincor; Robin Curtis; Ron Russell; Rose Powell; Rosemary M. Lehman; Rowena Zwart; Ruika Lin; Ryan Anderson; Sam Manger; Samuel Alexander; Samuel Brugger; Sandy Loffler; Sandy Winfield; Scott Kilpatrick; Sean Carey; Sean Seefried; Seline Kutan; Seth Moser-Katz; Shar Molloy; Sharon Ede; Shaun Lim; Silvia Di Blasio; Simon Loffler; Simon Waller; Sophia Leon de la Barra; Sophia Macrae; Stefan Joesler; Stephanie Lorenzo; Stephen Shearer; Steve Gray; Steve MacDonald; Steve Matthews; Stiafen Loringett; Sue Gilbey; Sushila Desai; Suzanne York; Sylvain Mengin; Tanya Ede; Tanya Harris; Tawni Jones; Taya Seidler; Terry Webb; Thea O’Connor; Theodoros Kolonas; Thomas Georgeson; Timothy Rayner; Tiziana Della Rovere; Tom Halbert; Tom Maclurcan; Tom Stites; Tom Voirol; Tomas Baeza; Tomasi Sotutu; Tony Holmes; Tori Saint; Torsten Krause; Udi Bauman; Vaalea D; Vasil Ilinski; Vim Naidoo; Wanita Bowley; Wayne Richmond; Wesley Blundy-Gow-Brown; Will Mansfield; William Anderson; Xiaoda Xu; Yoann Bretonnet; Zara Choy.
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Book cover image and design by Chiara Aliotta:
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